Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

HHO is a chemical abbreviation of Oxy-hydrogen gas. The HHO is usually in a ratio of 2 to 1 in the water, which is how nature created it!
Hydrogen economy refers to an energy system where hydrogen is the primary energy carrier, replacing fossil fuels for electricity, transport, and industrial applications, promoting decarbonization.
An HHO system utilizes water electrolysis to separate water (known as H₂0 ) into hydrogen (referred to as H₂ ) and oxygen ( denoted as O₂ ), resulting in a blend suitable for enhancing fuel in combustion engines.
Brown Gas, named after the renowned inventor Professor Yull Brown, an Australian citizen who passed away in 1996, is a remarkable compound created from water. Through electrolysis, distilled water is broken down into its basic elements—two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen—resulting in what’s known as HHO gas. This gas is unique in its perfect blend of hydrogen and oxygen. Using just 3 to 4 kW of electricity, one liter of water can produce 1,866 liters of HHO gas per hour (equivalent to 1.86 standard cubic meters).
Electrolysis is the process that uses electricity to split water molecules (H₂O) into hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O₂). It’s an efficient way to produce clean hydrogen fuel.
Hydrogen fuel represents stored energy, within hydrogen molecules that can create electricity or heat when mixed with oxygen in a fuel cell or burned in an engine while releasing water as a, by product.
Hydrogen is a gas known as H₂ that is used in fuel cells or engines. Meanwhile HHO is a mix of hydrogen and oxygen produced by electrolysis and used as a fuel, in engines to improve combustion.
People view hydrogen as an eco-fuel since it produces water when ignited, unlike natural gas, which emits CO₂ when burned. Furthermore, hydrogen contains more energy per unit weight than gas and is more abundantly available than gas sources.
Hydrogen fuel cells can convert hydrogen into electricity with an efficiency ranging from 40 to 60 percent, which's higher, than combustion engines but lower, than electric batteries efficiency level.
Hydrogen contains 33 kw/h of energy, per kilogram. Three times the energy density of gasoline in weight. Needs high pressure storage due, to its lower volume density.
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